Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Welcome Home Olivia

We finally got to bring home our bundle of joy from the hospital today.

Kara gave birth to her on Friday, December 8, 2006 at 6:41pm. She weighed a whopping 9lbs 1/2 oz and measured 22" long.

We went to the hospital on Thursday night after Kara's water broke. They admitted her at around 10pm. It was around 12am when her labor pains started. After about 18hrs or so, she finally dilated to 10cm and was told to start pushing. She pushed for a good 2 hours, but the babies head was tilted so she was not coming out that way. They decided to do a 'c' section.

I was able to be with Kara in the operating room and held her hand the whole time. It was quite emotional when they pulled our little miracle out of Kara's belly. It was just so amazing to see them hold her up and still see the cord attached. We just couldn't believe she was inside Kara for 9 months and she was finally here. It was the happiest moment of my life, an experience I'll never forget. Even now when I think about it, I still get choked up.

After being weighed, measured and cleaned up, they took Olivia to the nursery. That's when I found out she had a temp of 103.3. That's when I started to worry, because I've heard what a high temp. like that in a newborn can do. Even though Kara was planning on breastfeeding, I had to give her a bottle because her blood sugar was low. So they let me feed her and burp her for the first time. After that I went to recovery to check on Kara, she was pretty out of it. I now had to let her know our baby had a fever, but I couldn't let her know how high it was. If she had known at that moment our baby had a 103 fever, she would have lost it. Everything turned out OK though.

By the next day Olivia's fever was gone. They still had to keep her on antibiotics for 48 hours though just as a precaution. So after 4 long days in the hospital they finally let all of us go home.

Now starts the journey of parenthood for Kara and I. We're just so thrilled we have a beautiful, healthy baby. We never knew we could love someone so much.

Mommy and Daddy love you Olivia!!

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